Sassy Marketing & How to Use it

Sassy Marketing & How to Use it

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s more important than ever to grab your audience’s attention and make a lasting impression. This is where edgy marketing comes into play. Edgy marketing is all about pushing the boundaries, taking risks, and standing out from the crowd. It’s about being bold, daring, and willing to go where others won’t.

One of the key benefits of edgy marketing is that it helps you break through the noise and capture the attention of your target audience. In a world where consumers are constantly bombarded with messages from brands, adding a splash of sass can help you cut through the clutter and make a memorable impact – if done eloquently and strategically.

Another benefit of edgy marketing is that it can help you differentiate your brand from your competitors. By taking a bold and unconventional approach, you can set yourself apart from others in your industry and create a unique identity that resonates with your audience.

However, edgy marketing isn’t without its risks. It’s important to strike the right balance between being edgy and being offensive. You don’t want to alienate your audience or damage your brand’s reputation. That’s why it’s crucial to carefully consider your messaging and ensure that it aligns with your brand values and actually makes some sense.

At Ascension Marketing, we specialize in edgy marketing that gets results. Our team of experts knows how to push the boundaries and create campaigns that capture attention, drive engagement, and deliver real business results. If you’re looking to stand out in a crowded digital landscape, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we pair sassy with classy to grow your business and meet your needs!

Octopuses Punch Fish in Spite

Octopuses Punch Fish in Spite

Octopuses Punch Fish in Spite

Researchers discovered that an octopus might punch a fish when both are hunting, but for no real reason other than spite. It’s legit! There’s even videos of these ocean thugs knocking innocent little fish in the head just because they can.

You may be wondering, what the heck does this have to do with marketing? Well, there’s a good chance that you learned something new today – because really, how often do people talk about one of the biggest bullies in the seven seas?

As marketers, we have to learn new things every single day to keep up with the industry, especially in terms of digital media. Why? Because in our world, things can change by the hour – if we aren’t always a few steps ahead, it’s easy to fall behind quick and never catch up.  

Think about your significant other or a long-time friend. People change constantly, and you have a choice – you can either stay focused on who they were when you first met them, or you continuously fall in love with all the new things you learn about them as they grow. When you choose the latter, you’ll start to notice your curiosity expand more, and you’ll ultimately grow and evolve yourself.

That’s what we do here at Ascension Marketing. We stay on top by falling in love with all the new things we find verses getting stuck in the way something once was. We remain forever curious.

It may be cliché’, but there’s so much truth in the phrase that ‘knowledge is power’. Staying abreast of emerging trends can be the make it or break it for our own company, and more importantly, for our clients. We don’t just follow the future of marketing – we look ahead for every client we serve.

People change constantly, marketing tools and methods change constantly – the entire world changes constantly. It’s a fact of life. That means that your business and industry will change, too. That’s why it’s imperative to never stop learning. Never lose that curiosity. Actively search for new things and be an industry leader rather than trying to catch a train that’s already left the station.

If you follow this advice, then you’ll be the one to teach all your friends about things like angry octopuses sucker punching innocent little fish.

Unicorns and Rainbows

Unicorns and Rainbows

Unicorns and Rainbows

Successful marketing doesn’t miraculously appear – it takes a lot of strategic planning, careful data analysis, creative concepting, and so on to make the magic happen.

More often than not, clients expect immediate results from a new project. They’ll want hundreds of new social media followers overnight, thousands more website visitors in a week, sales increased by over 50% in a month.

We get it. It’s exciting to start a new project and when you invest in your marketing, you want to see something tangible to ensure you’ve invested your dollars wisely. But marketing isn’t all unicorns and rainbows. Time is your best friend, and we promise you’ll get immense value from that friendship in the grand scheme of things.

Unicorn Marketing

Now, just because we said marketing isn’t all unicorns and rainbows, that doesn’t mean your company can’t BE a unicorn! Sure, it isn’t magic – it still takes the same amount of professional time, skill, and effort, but there is such a thing as “unicorn marketing” – for real, look it up!

Unicorn marketing is essentially making your business stand out like a unicorn in a sea full of donkeys.

It can refer to you standing out from your competition, or more commonly, aspects of your marketing that stand out internally. Think of that one social media post that’s blowing your notifications out of the water, or that Google Ad which always has significantly higher clicks than the rest. Those would be your “unicorns” – because they’re getting extraordinary attention.

Unicorn marketing is all about the data, paired with the right strategy. Posts, ads, and other content that earn you the most measurable engagement is where you want to focus your efforts. You can repurpose past campaigns that performed well or maximize on engagements that new unicorns earn you.

Furthermore, Google and other top marketing platforms actually favor unicorns, while they punish the donkeys. The more engagements a piece of content has, the higher it will rank with Google’s algorithm.

Baby Unicorns!

Because who doesn’t love babies? Once your unicorns have been identified, you’ll be able to make some baby unicorns. For example, if a certain blog post had outstanding performance, you could branch off of that same topic for future blogs. If something on your Facebook page is getting tons of likes and shares, drive the momentum – create related videos, infographics, etc. and consider cross-platform publishing.

It’s not always possible to predict what will be popular.  Heck, we wrote some content about Pickle Martinis for one client and it had over 40 shares in the first day. But listening to your audience and tailoring to their wants/needs will go a long way in creating that unicorn ‘spark’.

Don’t stand for being unremarkable. Let us measure the performance of your campaigns, identify your unicorns, and together we’ll ride like the wind on those magical ponies!